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VITAL (Vitamin Alami); suplemen khusus untuk unggas dan ayam

Update Terakhir
16 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
89 kali



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Detail VITAL (Vitamin Alami); Suplemen Khusus Untuk Unggas Dan Ayam

Is a vital supplement / food to birds made of natural waste, animal waste, and waste plants. Vital substances contain the growth and development of the body: carbohydrate, protein and fat, minerals, vitamins, hormones and acid-organic acid that is required to meet the nutritional needs and improve the physical metabolism birds. Vital to good use chicken, ducks, birds and sebangsanya. With the nutrition it needs terpenuhinya akan going improvements in the physical metabolism in birds that are significantly improving the quality of poultry. Benefits / uses "Centers" Vital to the birds: A) Increase the resistance of the body of poultry disease B) Reduce the fat contents in poultry meat C) Increase the weight of birds increased with the metabolism and absorption of food in the body of poultry D) Accelerating the harvest poultry E) stimulates appetite poultry F) Improve the physical quality of poultry Product is packed in the bottle be sealed with a volume of 100cc Per Element of Nutrients Contain carbohydrate, Fat, Protein, Mineral, Vitamin Details, hormones and acid-organic acid
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